Rarely has a tournament convinced at the first edition as the X-Bionic Agility Open did last weekend. This, and due to the majority of positive feedback from the participants, the organizers around Pavol Vakonic decided to held the tournament in 2020 as well. The location will be again the modern X-bionic Sphere facility in Šamorín-Čilistov. The area has a large indoor hall with good sandy terrain that offers space for two rings and a large warm-up area. The biggest change to the first issue will be the date. The tournament will not take place anymore at the beginning of November. New it will be held one month earlier at the beginning of October from the 9th to the 11th of October. On the same date, as the Norwegian Open is carried out. One of the biggest tournaments in Europe.
Source: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=504093240185964&id=380266612568628